Boundaries: Why we need them and how to set them

A year into this pandemic and I can tell you one thing that has kept me level-headed, focused, and productive… Boundaries.

Setting boundaries from when I take personal phone calls and reply to texts to scheduling a few days off every month. 

Were others ok with this? Sometimes. Did people question it? Yes. 

But did I follow through? Absolutely. 

Your energy and your time is the most precious resource. Guard it all costs.

Creating concrete boundaries can help you prevent burnout, protect your energy and keep you in alignment with what matters but first, we must get clear on what it is and where we need to place them.

If we look at the dictionary, it would say a boundary is a “dividing line” or a “limit.” 

I think of boundaries as a two-fold concept. A boundary we place on ourselves and a boundary we place to ensure other folks respect our requests.

It’s a tool that prevents violation of our own needs (physical, emotional, etc) and is a clear request of someone else with a consequence that I’m willing to follow through on with love and peace.

You may think of consequences as a negative thing, but this type of consequence is to help you follow through on your boundaries. This lets the other person know what you need and ensures they hold up their end of the bargain.

We assume people know how to honor our boundaries, without ever voicing them. Then we get upset at them for continuing the same actions. 

When we don’t enforce the boundary, we end up hurting ourselves and the other person in the process.

It sounds easy, but why do we find it so hard to enforce boundaries?

Many of us never learned how to place boundaries because no one taught us. What we witnessed in our childhood and in our homes impact how we view boundaries. 

And it’s easier to not place the boundary out of fear of upsetting someone or ruffling the feathers in a particular relationship. We think keeping the peace will be easier than speaking up and voicing our needs depending on what we’ve experienced in the past. 

If we have zero awareness for what we need and value in our life, it’s difficult to place a boundary to honor those spaces.

So where do we begin with setting boundaries?

Do a boundary audit:

  1. What are my current boundaries and have I enforced them?

  2. Where else in my life do I need to place boundaries?

    • Relationships

    • Work

    • Recreation

  3. What do I gain when I place and enforce my boundaries?

    • Peace

    • Space

    • Time

    • Energy

Once you get clear on where you need to place boundaries, it’ll be easier to set them, enforce them and follow through.

When we place boundaries, it frees us up from a constant state of stress, hurriedness, and overwhelm because it gives us clear direction on what matters in our lives. 

Boundaries helps us gain time, space and energy back that once was going to other things, appointments and people.

While you’ve heard it numerous times that we can’t control other people and situations, what we can control is our responses to life and others.

When you find yourself struggling to keep the boundary, remember what the benefits are.

You stand in your own power, speak your truth and share with others the power of honoring your own needs. You gain peace of mind, focus and clarity.

When we learn to trust ourselves and what we need, we teach others to do the same for themselves.


If today’s article blessed you in any way, please share it with a friend.

And if you like this content, listen to my podcast Thrive + Thread, follow me on Instagram, and visit my website to join my newsletter.

Go slay the day! I believe in you.

Get out of your own way and Thrive!

“There is incredible power in challenging yourself instead of reacting to the challenge the world threw at you.”

I don’t remember who said that, but it’s spot on.

We’re still in this pandemic, racism is still very much present and many of us are working from home and barely seeing our loved ones.

If you feel tired, burnt out, unmotivated or lethargic, nothing is wrong with you. You are human.

We are all making the most of our lives despite the uncontrollable factors and personally, that is a win in my book.

So how do you get out of your own way and thrive?
What does that mean and why should you care about it?

You are the one thing that’s in the way of living the life you desire & dream of.

You are responsible for your life, your decisions, and your outcomes. This could be earth-shattering news for some of us who were conditioned to think that if we were dealt different cards, lived in different places, and were born into different families that our life would be perfect.

How often have we placed our power in someone else’s hands? Placed our power in other situations, jobs, friendship, circumstances... I’ve been there.

I wasted so much time wishing for a different financial situation and when I finally made the decision to live in faith and abundance, everything changed. But it took years of deep inner work, reaching out to others, and getting more clarity on what I wanted from my life. It doesn’t mean I’m never in fear or scarcity mode. The difference is I’m aware that what I put energy and focus on, will grow.

Where’s your focus? On the problem or the solution?

We say, “because they/it (insert verb), I am (insert the adjective, verb).”

We not only have given up our power but we have placed blame on other people and things. We have given up our hopes and dreams of living a life we love. We begin to believe it’s not possible.

Our minds, will, and emotions can make our lives a living hell, or heaven on earth.

As a person of faith, I know that my true heaven will be in eternity. I’m aware that life was not meant to be easy. I wasn’t put on this earth to be comfortable, settle for mediocrity, and simply survive. 

You and I were put here to THRIVE. To flourish, to prosper. To live in abundance, live with health and vitality, and to love the life we live.

Our problems will not be solved by reading countless articles, listening to podcasts, and reading all the books.

The transformation comes from putting in the work. From unpacking our limiting beliefs, awakening to the truth, and choosing new beliefs that serve us and our values.

Perhaps you don’t know where to start. Perhaps you’re doing all the right things and you still feel empty, depleted, or confused.

One, you’re not alone. Two, you decide if you will let this control your life or if you’ll decide to overcome it.

Yes, do the self-care practices, maybe seek therapy, share with a trusted friend or family member, but here are some applicable steps you can take right now, and continue to practice daily.

  • Accept what is and take a stand

    • What can you control?

    • What do you stand for?

  • Recognize the power within

    • Do an inventory of all your strengths

    • What’s one action step you can take in the right direction?

  • Look for the good

    • Mindfulness is key - pause long enough to notice what’s in front of you

    • Acknowledge the good

  • Practice gratitude

    • Gratitude is a simple way to pull yourself out of a pity party

    • It’s contagious and when we share it, others are blessed in the process

  • Speak words of life

    • Your words have power

    • Are they tearing you down or building you up?

    • Are they rooted in truth?

  • Commit to showing up for yourself and others

    • Know when to rest, and know when to show up

    • Comfortable doesn't mean it’s good for you. When we feel resistance, it’s often an indicator of necessary change

There is purpose in your pain. Your mess is your message. And your story gives space for others to heal and share their truth.

By: Lauren DeVera

If today’s article blessed you in any way, please share it with a friend!

And if you like this content, listen to my podcast Thrive + Thread, follow me on Instagram, and visit my website to join my newsletter.

Go slay the day! I believe in you.

Photo by: Traye Gilliam

Photo by: Traye Gilliam

Welcome to my new website!

Hey family!

So glad you’re here. I’m so excited to share my new site with you! REAL QUICK though… Shout out to my girl Jessica who’s been a huge part of this journey between creating the brand of The Lion’s Den to creating this site! For design, photography or ANY creative need, be sure to reach out to her on instagram or here!! Jessica, thank you so much for your time, talent, energy, love & really good food! This wouldn’t have been possible without you! So blessed to have you in my life sis!


And to you! Thank you for visiting! Here you’ll find upcoming events, classes, and workshops I’ll be hosting. Please read more about my offerings if you are looking for more 1 on 1 time. I’m here to serve and provide valuable content and education on all things movement, mindfulness & wellness.

2020 is the year of C R E A T I V I T Y and I can’t wait to step into this new season with you as an artist, yogi, coach, and fiancé!

